Melissa Archer, Actress


***The Thursday Interview is a showcase for creators, innovators, troublemakers,  business owners to share news and insight about the creative impetus and inspirations behind their latest project, launch or business.

Melissa came on my radar, thanks to director/technologist/entrepreneur John Threat. I’m featuring her because I admire how she pursues her passions with gusto.  Enjoy her story.

Name: Melissa Archer, Actress

Motto: Say what you mean and mean what you say

Being featured in two films (Coach of the Year  and South 32) in the Soho International Film Festival is….
…This is truly exciting! I am so blessed to have both films in the festival, but to also have one on opening night, and the other the following night which is a Friday…that’s amazing! I’m really proud of both films.

I started a production company because…
…The reality is, I can’t sit for too long. Ha! I started the company because I woke up one morning with a feeling of, “this is what I have to do.” I want to make stuff happen. I love acting, but why not combine acting into being the boss? I wanted it to be a collaborative effort for the company. I feel creative minds together can create bigger. It just so happened that my now producing partner, Sonia Blangiardo, had a similar thought around the same time. We got together for lunch and said “let’s do this.” I was already working with Jessica Morris on a writing project, so it was a no-brainer, she was my first call. Sonia, went to Brandon Goins and then later Theresa Cicala. Sonia, Brandon, Jess, and I all got together shortly thereafter, and “Viral” was conceived.

Filming the ‘I am woman, hear me pee’ scene in “Viral”  was…
…Too much fun! It was like midnight or something, and all I could do was be silly. In between takes, I’d do funny dances with the panties still sitting around my knees. Such a blast!

My definition of a kick ass day must include…
…Getting at least one priority done, spending time writing, and if I get to work on something tech related, it’s icing on the cake for me. I haven’t worked on one in awhile, but I do get into kind of a meditative state when I fix an iPad or iPhone. So if I can include all the above, and maybe a trip to the beach…that’s a kick ass day haha.

I need you to know the following about superfood Hacker’s Brew…
Hacker’s Brew is my other baby. I’m so fortunate that I get to be a part of this company and product from the ground and watch her grow. I work with the best team, here in LA and all the way to NY and Russia! Hacker’s Brew works…you have energy all day, without feeling jittery, and man, can I focus. I’m also proud to say that the ingredients are all there for effect. Meaning, if it’s in there, it will do something. It’s also not just the focus and energy, but I actually feel good after I drink it. It lifts my mood. I first learned about Nootropics last year, and starting them, turned my life around. I could literally feel the fogginess that I always felt, lift, and my energy levels increasing. My productivity started to increase. Then I was a believer. It’s been so fun and rewarding working with everyone to bring a delicious brew to life, and be a part of helping others get shit done!

These are my collaborators and conspirators…
…I have so many hahaha! Of course my Steel Penny team, my Hacker’s Brew Team, my writing team, my friends, my BFF, my family, and if she were alive, my inspiration Lucille Ball.

Check out Soho International Film Festival and  Hacker’s Brew.
Also connect with Melissa via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Launching a new biz or project?  Let’s talk!  
Happy Creating, Cultivating and Growing!

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